I honestly didn't used to be a soppy type, or one that loved to share anything personal about myself other than the music. But this year - on valentine's day to be precise - I will be sharing a special video for my single 'Little Star'.
There's something about my "little stars" (my little family) that just makes me smile MOST of the time, and I think February 14th is a significant enough day to show you all what it is exactly that I've been smiling about - without being seen as TOO cheesy!
You'll see snippets of each of them in my little heartfelt home-made video. Be sure to watch to the complete end to see the sweetest moment ever!
The video Little Star will be coming to you live soon, but in the meantime feel free to listen to the audio by clicking below.
I posted this message on Twitter and Facebook last week and was extremely surprised by the amazing result:
"Where Did You Go?" has climbed up to a leading total of 1624 plays. "Can't I just?" is climbing too at 1238 plays. On the other hand, "Travellin" has been quite far behind and started with 720 plays last but has only reached a total of 775 plays this week. Get playing guys and share away! In the first edition of Question Time I was asked about my EP, Acoustic Emotions. I introduced the journey of the EP briefly and announced that I would be talking more about each of individual track at a later time, and the time is now! Last but not least "Home" Home is about finding that special place where you are comfortable being you, the place where you belong and feel secure. Though the word "home" is thought of as a building or structure, I believe I've found my true home in some of the friendships I hold and the people I've met. What do you class as your home?